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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
  • Find us on Google Maps
Find Us

Broughton Hall

Mrs G Smith
Telephone: 0151 541 9440
Fax: 0151 259 8448
Post: Broughton Hall Catholic High School, Yew Tree Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 9HJ.


Head Teachers Message – Ms S Clarke


Please click on the link above to access our website.  This serves as a window into the life of our school. Broughton Hall Catholic High School was founded in 1928 under the trusteeship of The Sister of Mercy.

There have been many changes since this time but the Catholic values and ethos that shape all that goes on in our school remain the same. Our school motto One Heart One Mind is lived out every day. We recognise and respect the God given talents of all and are determined in our efforts to support and help all members of our school community fulfil their potential, celebrating achievement and success of every kind.

We believe that by fostering self-reliance, self-control, initiative and the ability to make reasoned judgements our pupils will, with Gods help, develop into caring adults. They will go on to play their part in making our world a better place for all.

Our website will give you information about the roles and responsibilities of our Governors and staff who work to give our pupils the best experience possible. We hope our website will help parents, carers and all members of our school community understand how we ensure each of our pupils are given the education, care and guidance to want to achieve and to have pride in their efforts to do so.

Our building is impressive but we know it is what goes on inside our school that makes the difference to our pupil's lives. We are proud of our reputation and excited about the future, a future that belongs with and to our whole school community.

We have great faith in the words of our founder Catherine McAuley, "Resolve to be good today and better tomorrow". Something we believe for ourselves and for the young people in our care.


For further information please ring 0151 541 9440

