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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
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September School Run

September School Run


What better way to start our school year than with our annual school run! At St Sebastian's, we are committed to the education of the "whole child".

It is important that every child in our school achieves academically, emotionally, spiritually and creatively. All our children must be presented with every opportunity as is possible. Every child should explore all of the gifts and talents and to celebrate what the Lord has given them.

Our September school run is a fun way to gather our Key Stage 2 children and teaching staff, and to enjoy exercise together. We are committed to our children's health and wellbeing. The organisation of events such as this can ignite a passion for exercise and certainly injects energy into the start of the school year. We also arrange school runs throughout the year such as, during Lent were children run around the school premises. This is a favourite of all the children. Not only do they gain a great deal from the spirit of us greatly enjoying activities together, the also raise funds for CAFOD, Nugent Care and school funds. 
