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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
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Mission Day 2021


On Monday 18th October, we hosted our school’s Mission Day.  The Theme of our day is the ‘Season of Creation.’


Our whole school day was dedicated to exploring the concept of ‘A home for all?’

Each class had a different activity to immerse themselves in different focuses e.g. How can we live simply so that others can simply live? How can we look after our world?


Father Liam started our day with a whole school reflection, considering the words of Jesus as we think about our creation and what we can do to influence our world following his teachings.


We thank our school community for getting involved in our Mission Day, who also took time out of their day to consider how we can live more simply and care for our common home.

A moment of reflection with Father Liam 

Still image for this video

Mission Day Class Activities 
