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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
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St Sebastian's Rota Kids Club

St Sebastian's Rota Kids Club allows children from all year groups to help others in our city.   

As an extra-curricular club, they support local charities and the community by organising different events to raise money for those who need it most.


Some of the events they've organised include:

  • Brakes Kids Walk - to raise money for the Brake charity (Road Safety)
  • Funny Hat Day - to raise money for Claire House
  • Lent / Easter fundraising - supporting events to raise money for Good Shepherd & PTA
  • Cake sales - to raise funds for the production of a play
  • An Hour For Others - raising money to help this charity's great work in our city
  • Australian Bushfire Emergency - making rescue pouches for animals affected by the bushfires
  • Collecting recycled clothing - to give to Marie Curie charity shop
  • Collecting groceries - for local foodbank; for Missionaries of Charity (Seel St Sisters).


St Sebastian's Rota Kids Club work alongside the Liverpool West Derby Rotary Club, who have matched money made, from many of the fundraising events undertaken. Members of the club enjoy visiting school to see what new ideas the club have, what events they have in place and to share what they have been organising too.


Our Rota Kids Club has members from Year 1 - 6. They create imaginative ideas in order to raise money and work together, to make them happen. Rota Kids make posters advertising events, send out letters to parents / children and inform the local community about what they are doing. They also have to think critically about pricing e.g. for cake sales. The members need to be confident collecting money, giving the correct change and counting money carefully, after fundraising events are completed. This is an important aspect of the club, as Rota Kids need to inform West Derby Rotary Club and other local charities about their fundraising efforts and achievements. 

