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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
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Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a computer programme which St Sebastian's has bought to help support the learning of times tables, particularly in preparation for the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4.


It is a fun, interactive, competitive program with several different types of games which the children can play on at home (and in school). The children can earn points for their "rock status" and receive certificates. 


We have been impressed at how engaged the children are when using this program, as well as the speed and fluency which they are able to recall their times tables.


All children from Year 1 - 6 have their own login. Their class teacher will set specific times tables for them to practise, in line with the National Curriculum expectations. We would ask that you encourage and support your child in using this resource, to help them in their learning of times tables.


If you have any questions about Times Tables Rock Stars, please speak to your child's teacher or

Mrs Rabbette (Maths Co-ordinator).


England Rocks Tournament (November 2021)

Warm Up Battle: St Sebastian's V St Cuthbert's (January 2022)

NSPCC Rocks (February 2022)
