Statutory Policies & Information
All Policies below are devised and implemented to provide an important framework which will ensure consistency in applying values and principles throughout all aspects of school life including our extended school facilities. They establish model operating procedures and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability through rigorous safeguarding.
Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office free of charge.
Statutory Policies
- Accessibility Plan (Policy).pdf
- St Sebastian's Admissions Policy 2023.2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's Admissions Policy 2024.2025.pdf
- St Sebastian's Admissions Policy 2025.2026.pdf
- First Aid Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy.docx.pdf
- Instrument of Government DRAFT.pdf
- Managing allegations against staff and volunteers policy and procedures.pdf
- Register of Business Interests Governors September 2023.pdf
- Safer Working Practices and Code of Conduct for Adults.pdf
- School Pay Policy 2023 (1).pdf
- Serial or Unreasonable Complaints September 2023.pdf
- Staff Grievance and Dignity at Work Policy.pdf
- St Sebastian's Supporting Children With Medical Needs - October 2023.docx.pdf
- Support Staff Capability (Performance) Policy & Procedure (SiL).pdf
- Suspension & Permanent Exclusion Policy 2023.pdf
- Teacher Capability Policy - Agreed (SiL) 2023.pdf
- Remote-Learning-Policy-2023-2024.pdf
- Behaviour Principles Written Statement 2024.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy September 2024.pdf
- Data Protection Policy September 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf
- St. Sebastian's Attendance Policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy September 2024.pdf
- Children who cannot attend school due to medical needs policy October 2024.pdf
- SEND Policy - October 2024.pdf
- Discipline Policy and Procedure.pdf
- Managing allegations against staff and volunteers policy and procedures September 2024 (1).pdf
- Accessibility Plan September 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's Supporting Children With Medical Needs - October 2024.pdf
- LAC and PLAC Policy 2024.pdf
- Copy of St Sebastian's - EYFS Policy - October 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's - Early Careers Teacher (ECT) Policy - October 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's - RSHE Policy - October 2024 - 2025.pdf
- Behaviour Policy 2024.pdf
- SS Music Development Plan 2024-2025.pdf
- St Sebastian's - Acceptable Use Policy - October 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's - Online Safety Policy - October 2024.pdf
- St Sebastian's - Social Media Policy - October 2024.pdf
Link to school's financial benchmarking