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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
  • Find us on Google Maps
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Bully Buster

NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe

The caring children in St Sebastian's today were very lucky to be part of an assembly presented by the NSPCC which covered lots of information on different types of abuse without using scary words or adult language. We linked this to the message that Jesus taught us - treat others how you would like to be treated. 

Our children now know how to identify a trusted adult they can talk to if they're ever worried about themselves or a friend. And they learnt about Childline, and how it can support them.


Our key message was


