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St Sebastian's Catholic

Primary School and Nursery

'Only My Best Will Do, Be Kind To One Another.'

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0151 260 9697
  • St Sebastian's Catholic
  • Primary School and Nursery
  • Holly Road, Fairfield,
  • Kensington, Liverpool, L7 0LH
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Spelling is taught as part of a planned programme following the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have a daily session of phonics. Phonic knowledge should continue to underpin spelling after Key Stage 1. In Year 2 - Key Stage 2 children have regular explicit spelling sessions with weekly spellings being closely linked to phonic knowledge, spelling patterns and rules.


  • All classes have a set of spelling activities to support regular opportunities for children to practise learning spellings.
  • Spellings are linked to the National Curriculum word lists for each year group.
  • Children are taught to look for common letter strings, patterns in words and spelling rules.
  • Where possible, children are encouraged to identify their own spelling errors and edit accordingly.
  • Sound out words phonemically and by syllables.
  • Draw on analogies to known words, roots, derivations, word families, morphology and familiar spelling patterns.
  • Identify words which pose a particular challenge and learn them by using mnemonics, multi-sensory re-enforcement and memorising critical features.
  • Using a dictionary and find words beyond the initial letter.
  • Make effective use of RWI speed sound charts or spell checker to identify alternate graphemes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Below are the word lists for each year group taken from the National Curriculum.