Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
We are looking forward to working with the children in our class.
What a busy year we have ahead of us! We are sure the children will enjoy
the work we’ve planned for them in our new, exciting curriculum.
This will also be a special year for many of the children, as they prepare
to make the Sacraments of Reconciliation & Eucharist.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to
contact one of us and we will be happy to help.
Mrs Rabbette, Miss Bullen & Miss Conway (Year 4 Team).
Important Reminders
Water Bottles
Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school every day. In class we have a place to store the bottles so the children can help themselves throughout the day.
Our P.E days are Monday &Thursday. Please ensure your child has their full kit in school every day.
Book Bags
Book bags should come into school every day. It is important that home reading books are read at home, reading records signed and returned to school. We hope that all the children will enjoy reading for pleasure.
Spellings will be given out every Monday. Children should practise both at home and in school, in preparation for a weekly test every Friday.
Every Friday the children will be given a piece of Maths & English homework. It will always be revision of something they have learned in school.
Basic Skills
The children are encouraged to practice their basic skills like handwriting and times tables at home. The children have logins for some programs we use in school e.g. TT RockStars, Spellodrome, etc. They are welcome to use these logins at home.