Year of the Word
The Feeding of the 5000.

Today we had a whole school assembly led by Miss Campbell, who introduced us to The Year of the Word.
The year started on the Feast of Saint Jerome, 30 September 2019, and runs until 31 December 2020. He was a very important part of encouraging others to read the Word of God by translating the Bible. She explained during this year we are called to explore and celebrate the Word of God through the Scriptures, share the Word with others and respond to the "God who speaks" in the way that we live.
Our Scripture is paramount to the life of the Catholic Church and so we want to celebrate, share and live out our faith through learning about scripture and thinking about what it means to us. We looked at some statistics on the Bible which surprised us! As a class, we were given Matthew’s Gospel to explore in order to celebrate and share the Word of God.
After reading and exploring the Parable of Feeding the 5000, we created some artwork to use as props for our drama piece that we will practice and perform later. In the beginning of the story, it was highlighted that there were only five loaves and two fish to share between thousands of people. Later in the Parable, this small amount of food was blessed by Jesus where it multiplied in order to feed everyone. We discussed the special message behind this story - if you’re in a situation that needs a miracle, give God room to work through ways you never imagined or dreamed. Sometimes the miracle is not what we expect, but God knows what we need! Our artwork will be displayed to represent elements of this important story.